Savage Empire nitpicks

“You ghoul!”

Savage Empire wasn’t just an attempt by Origin to get more money out of the Ultima VI engine. It’s a nice and interesting game that offers much to nitpickers. Like in Ultima IX, there are journal entries, which are made by one of the party members. The big difference is that in Savage Empire they are so funny because they are meant to be funny, while in Ascension, they are so funny because they are supposed to be taken serious.

Ignorance of predecessors

  • Your three main companions (Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre) were transported to the Valley of Eodon through disruptions in the Ether caused by the Blackrock Meteor. How do they regain their memories and return to Britannia after Savage Empire?
    (by Evil_Freak Dragon)
  • You can actually find Seggallion in Eodon, hiding on a small plateau out in the wilderness. It involves throwing a homemade bomb across a crevice to knock down a tree for a bridge. Across the bridge there is a small hut, where it looks like Seggallion is performing an archaeological dig, and right in front of his home is an entrance to the Myrmidex underworld. How is it that Seggallion got to Eodon? Did he get transported there the same way as Iolo? If so, why does he wear modern Earth clothes? When has Seggallion ever been to Earth? And how comes Seggallion has no rememberance of the Avatar, yet clearly knows his own name?
    (by Dung Dragon)

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Technical shortcomings

  • There is a key in the lab. What on earth does it do? It’s completely useless. (We may suppose it’s just the lab doorkey, but for some reason, it looks rather important, as if it had a purpose in the game.)
    (by Dino the Dark Dragon)
  • In the Barako quest to save the girl from the gorillas, the Avatar has to throw a grenade at a boulder on top of a waterfall to block the water and gain acess to the cave that leads to the gorilla plateau. This is ridiculous. The Avatar has a quest in which he walks on lava, and can’t wet his hair to enter a cave?
    (by Artic Blaze Dragon)

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General problems

  • In the manual, there’s a grave inconsistency between the story of the Avatar’s coming to Eodon in the manual and the story told in the actual game itself. The manual clearly states that the Black Gate that transported the entire lab to Eodon was caused by Rafkin’s experiments on the ruined moonstone sent to him by one of Spector’s former students. The game directly contradicts this by saying it was Rafkin’s experiments on the Avatar’s Orb of Moons that created the Black Gate. According to the manual, the Avatar only showed the Orb of Moons to Rafkin, then pocketed it while Rafkin got to work on the ruined moonstone.
    (by BlueClaw)

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Name des Betreibers: Christian Hackl
Wohnort: Kapfenberg

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